Category Archives: Workouts

home treadmill cardio

14 Tips to Maximize Your Home Cardio Training

The debate over the most effective form of aerobic exercise has been raging ever since Dr Kenneth Cooper coined the term ‘Aerobics’ in the early 70’s. Today, there are two diametrically opposed groups – those who advocate slow state, steady cardio and others who swear by high intensity, short duration cardio sessions. When it comes […]


Resistance Band Training for Baseball and Softball

Baseball and softball players perform very repetitive movements, especially during throwing actions. While the lower body movement patterns are similar to those of many sports, there are some applications of specific movements tat can be adapted for these two sports. Injuries from overuse of the shoulder and elbow are particularly prevalent in baseball and softball […]

resistance band running

Resistance Band Sports Training

Elastic resistance can be used to improve the sports performance elements of power, agility and speed. Power is the ability to exert or produce force in a very short period of time. Agility is the ability to accelerate, decelerate, and change directions quickly while maintaining good body control, and finally speed may be defined as […]

resistance band training

Total Body Functional Resistance Band Training

Athletic and functional movements require a strong core consisting of the muscles surrounding the trunk and pelvis: the abdominals and the lower back. These muscles must function as movers, stabilizers and force transducers. Functional strength of the upper extremities (used in actions such as throwing baseball) is often built initially by the lower body and transferred […]

resistance band ab exercise

Resistance Band Training for the Core

Bodyweight resistance is the most common mode of strengthening the abdominals and low back. Adding external resistance such as an elastic band may increase the training stimulus to these areas, particularly in programs whose progress is stalled. The abdominal and core region is a key area for whole body stabilization and sports performance, most likely […]

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