boost metabolism

10 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Losing weight is about burning more calories than you consume. But there’s more to it than that – you need to also need to have a good metabolism. This will help to ensure that you are losing fat rather than muscle. The easiest and healthiest way to get a quick metabolism is to increase the rate at which you expend energy. In this article, we present 25 scientifically validated ways to speed up your metabolic rate to ensure that you are burning calories maximally every minute of the day.

Eat More Protein

Fat has 5 key effects on the body. Firstly, it satiates hunger more than any other nutrient, Secondly, it contains nitrogen which requires energy to break down (the thermic effect). Thirdly, protein stimulates the release of glucagon, which releases fat from fat cells and enables more effective fat burning.

The fourth effect is that protein delays the emptying of the stomach, providing you with a feeling of fullness that lasts longer. Finally, protein preserves muscle mass. The best sources of protein to stimulate the metabolism are derived from animal sources such as meat, eggs, milk, poultry, fish, and shellfish because they contain all of the essential amino acids. Be sure to eat about a fist-sized portion of lean protein at every meal.

Consume Saturated Fats

Short train triglycerides and medium chain triglyceride fatty acids have been shown in numerous studies to boost the metabolism. Specifically, coconut oil has been shown as a key metabolism booster and aid to fat loss. A Brazilian study looked at the effect of 1 fl. oz (30 ml) coconut oil versus the same amount of soybean oil. The test subjects were forty women aged 20-40 years, who consumed the same diet with an energy deficiency the taking a fifty-minute walk each day. The study continued for 12 weeks. All participants lost weight, but those who received the coconut oil were the only ones to reduce their waist measurements.

Use coconut oil when frying, woking or deep frying anything. You should also eat coconut fresh, shredded or grated. Fresh coconut is delicious and is great for snacking or as part of your breakfast.

Eat More Fish

Omega-3 fatty acids from the sea are very special. They improve your insulin sensitivity. When you eat fish fats, they blend into your cell membranes and makes them soft. When insulin binds to the receptors on the cell’s surface, a signal goes through the membrane and into the cell. If you have a high amount of hard fats in the cell membrane. When the cell is soft, it becomes easier for the signal from the insulin receptor to enter the cell, and sensitivity to insulin improves. Therefore, if you eat fish regularly, you will lose weight while also protecting yourself against type 2 diabetes.

Eat Breakfast

When you wake up your blood sugar is low and depleted hormones are circulating in your blood. If you go too long on an empty stomach, your muscle mass will begin to break down. this I why breakfast is so important. It will halt muscle breakdown, and build up energy reserves. Make your breakfast as healthy as possible – after all, you’ll probably be eating the same thing day after day. Combine good quality fats, protein and low glycemic index carbs. Getting in these low GI carbs will really help t get your metabolism going. Here are some great sample breakfast choices:

  • Omelet and fruit salad
  • Oat porridge with milk and boiled egg
  • Natural yogurt with unsweetened muesli and a handful of nuts
  • A selection of fruits and  two boiled eggs

Get Plenty of Fiber

There is a form of fiber known as resistant starch, which is caused as the third form of dietary fiber after the soluble and insoluble fibers, These are starch products that are chains of sugars which re not digested in the small intestine. The cause of their resistance is that humans lack the enzymes to digest the starch, and it, therefore, acts as a form of fiber. It exists naturally in potatoes and bananas and is created when prepared foods rich in starch are left to cool down. Cooked rice, pasta, noodles, and especially all cold potatoes naturally produce some resistant starch.

A study showed that when 5.4 percent of carbs were in the form of resistant starch, fat burning increased by 23 percent compared to those who ate the same food but without the resistant starch. Be sure to also get plenty of fiber by eating a generous amount of green, leafy vegetables.

Use Olive Oil

Olive oil contains a lot of antioxidants. One of these is oleuropein, which has been shown in rats to increase the ability to convert body fat to heat. This means that rats that received olive oil stayed in better shape than those who w1ere not fed olive oil, despite the fact that did not more exercise than the other rats. What happens to the metabolism when a human consumes oleuropein is unclear, but it seems that the fat in olive oil is one of the fats easiest to burn. During exercise, for example, oleic acid leaves the fat cells more easily and gets metabolized faster.

When using olive oil at the store, go for the one with the most color. This indicates that it has the highest level of antioxidants (including the fat burning inducing oleuropein). If you can, you should also go for organic olive oil as it tends to have more antioxidants.

Go with Cocoa

Cocoa is known for having extremely high levels of antioxidants, mainly in the form of polyphenol. Antioxidants are known to maintain the proper level of insulin sensitivity and, therefore, maintain your metabolism. Cocoa also contains theobromine – a substance that is similar to caffeine but that has a milder effect on the central nervous system. moderate amounts of theobromine have been shown to increase the metabolism and the releasing of fat from the cells, facilitating a higher fats burn.

You should look for sources of cocoa that do not include added sugars or fats. Cocoa powder and cocoa nibs are good options. If you want to eat some dark chocolate, keep it moderate and infrequent.

Snack on Nuts

Your basal metabolic rate is increased by nuts. This is most likely due to the quality of the fats. All nuts contain omega-9 in the form of oleic acid – the same as the main oleic found in olive oil. Walnuts also contain Omega-3, which we know can raise the basal energy expenditure. Around 10 percent of the energy contained in nuts is thought to be lost through increased energy expenditure. The GI level of nuts I very low, so they are one of the best products for balancing blood sugar levels. Nuts also increase sensitivity to insulin, making it easier for the body to burn fat. It is not completely clear what part of the nut causes this effect, but it has likely got something to do with the monounsaturated fats, omega-3, fibers, l-arginine, and antioxidants.

Get into the habit of snacking on nuts. because they are very filling you don’t need very many – a third of cup should be about right.

Drink Coffee

Coffee is one of the most studied foods in the world. It has been shown to be an effective weight loss aid. There are many reasons, including the heat in coffee, which reduces the appetite. Caffeine also releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter that works on the brain’s reward center. Caffeine contains other properties that can help to boost the metabolism. Taking it in the form of coffee will increase your sensitivity to insulin, which will lower your risk of getting Type 2 Diabetes. A lower risk of type 2 diabetes also means a better metabolism and lower body weight.

Caffeine increases the liver’s metabolic effect, thermogenesis. It also releases fat from fat cells to enable a better rate of fat burning. So, if you want to burn fat and keep healthy, you should ingest caffeine in the form of coffee or tea. Forget about energy drinks or caffeine pills. They can actually reduce your sensitivity to insulin and, long-term, they can have a negative effect on fat burning. You should limit yourself to a maximum of three cups of coffee per day.

Get in Resistance Exercise

Most people think of resistance training as the way to build muscle. While it can certainly do that, it can also be a fantastic fat burner – and a great booster of the metabolism. You will burn plenty of calories during the workout. But the real benefits come afterward. As a result of what is known as the EPOC (excess post-workout oxygen consumption) effect, you burn more calories in the hours after your session is over. This EPOC effect can last for up to 48 hours. The more explosive resistance training you can manage, the better it is. Explosive training releases hormones such as growth hormones and testosterone in higher levels, which are involved in both fat burning and muscle building.

Keep in mind, too, that resistance training doesn’t have to mean weight training. Resistance band training can be just as, if not more, effective than barbells and dumbbells. For help on how to build your own workout, check out our exercise videos.

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